Friday, January 21, 2011

It's a WEIRD story....

I found .:WEIRD DESIGNS:. completely by accident.  The marketplace for second life will do that to you, ya know?  I recommend that you only browse the marketplace when you have nothing else to do or you just might.... burn your food, miss your class, forget you were in the middle of a conversation with someone, and possibly neglect your animals or children.... it happens, trust me. (No I don't have children) But I digress...

So this weird little store is actually quite charming.  For those Gothic, doll key wearing, cupcake necklace loving women out there, this store is actually going to get my stamp of approval.  Now, when you first teleport to the store JOIN the group and I will tell you why.  Not only because SL has allowed you to have more than 25 groups but if you join the group and walk into the store there are a number of yummy prizes that are FREE if you DO decide to JOIN..  Ew, I know, I'm not a freebie blogger but it's a very clever way to keep someone coming back and to look around the shop.  Bravo.

So why should you be interested?
1. NO lag... if there is lag at this place it is either a SL issue or you.
2. Small store, you will not get lost or feel overwhelmed with a million items to look through.
3. It is a fair price... I'm not going to say it's the perfect price for the product but I bought like four outfits soooo.. yeah.  But we know I have issues :P
4. Variety.  You will find dresses, shoes, accessories, skins... etc. 
5. Innovative.  Sheena Benelli has definitely found a style and made it their own and I'm a big fan of that.
6. Presents for groupies.  If you're in the group there are a number of items available to you for free at the store... owners in SL should appreciate you and your lindens this way, YOU are the reason they can afford to have the shop.

7.  Great music!!!  Some stores have really annoying radio stations or no music at all.
8. Color variety, yay! Sometimes an outfit in black can just get boring.  Luckily this store has each outfit in a different color- so go cr@zy!

I suggest you check this place out IF you like the GOTHIC, EMO, STEAMPUNK style.  There are a number of ways to check out this store: xstreet,, and (that I am now following!!!)

oh and here's a pic:

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